T-Series Multisound Programmer Changelog ======================================== 1.2.0 - 2024-11-12 - Changed MIDI Sample Dump Header's Sample Number value from 0 to 1. - Very minor (fractions of a percent) increase in accuracy of sample period reporting during sample transmission due to rounding instead of truncating float value. 1.1.0 - 2022-07-12 - Changed layout of main window so that the loaded multisound and samples are displayed on their own tabs. - Changed the main menu structure so that the Workstation, Multisound and Samples functions each have their own menu group. - Added an "Always On Top" menu option which ensure that the application window remains above all other windows on the Desktop. See "View" -> "Always On Top." menu option. - Added facility to transmit SysEx files to the connected workstation. See "T-Series" -> "Send SysEx File..." menu option. - Changed the display of the multisounds in the collection from a drop-down list to a listview control and added column showing the number of samples associated with each multisound. - Added facility to allow multiple multisounds within the collection to be selected at one time and allow them to be exported, deleted or their position moved within the collection. - Added multisound export facility to allow selected multisounds in the multisound collection to be save to a SysEx or MIDI file. - Added multisound import facility to allow multisounds stored in a SysEx or MIDI file to be merged with the multisound collection. - Changed the multisound sample parameter column display order so that the more frequently used parameters are listed first. - Added facility to allow multiple multisound samples to be selected at one time and allow their position to be moved in the multisound sample list. - Change the way samples are added or changed for a multisound. This is now done via the multisound sample context menu, available by right-clicking in the Multisound Samples listview. - Added facility to the Sample Dump Send window to allow multiple sample files in the Sample Dump Queue sample file list to be selected at a time and their position in the list to be moved. - Added facility to the Sample Dump Send window to allow the saving of the Sample Dump Queue sample file list to an M3U file, by clicking on the "Save Collection" button in the Sample Dump Send window. - Added facility to the Sample Dump Send window to allow the loading of a sample files list from an M3U file into the Sample Dump Queue, by clicking on the "Open Collection" button in the Sample Dump Send window. - Improved the display of the connected T-Series Workstation's Model, ROM and Firmware version information. - Code optimisations and minor bug fixes. - Updated the accompanying Read Me text file with more information regarding the behaviour, idiosyncrasies and limitations of KORG'S T-Series Workstation. 1.0.1 - 2022-04-14 - Minor interface and functional changes. - Minor bug fixes. 1.0.0 - 2022-04-09 - Initial release.